
Access Control Cystem

Corporate Profile

A global reputation for leadership and innovation

百玄科技股份有限公司,成立十四年以來,專注於企業用電話交換機、VoIP、IP-PBX/GW、視訊系統、企業型會議系統、廣播系統等產品,主要從事PBX & IP-PBX Solution, AV Integration Systems, Broadcast Video and Audio EquipAutomation Control, Digital Surveillance & Recording 等產品之研發、規劃、行銷與服務,並發展通路事業與資料庫服務。

現今年度目標以台灣在地大型專案成功的規劃經驗做基礎,將Business Model以整體輸出方式推廣到其他地區,希望能結合二岸及國外之人才,躋身世界系統整合品牌。百玄科技將繼續秉持創新之企業文化,努力快速成長,擴充市場。精簡成本、降低營業費用。

主要策略在於謀求主要通訊通信產品與資訊網路之整合發展。在產品方面,將策略性著重 通信交換機、門禁設備、會議、廣播及網路軟體的整合,並強化RFID、數位錄影等新興產品。在市場區隔方面,將注重大陸、東南亞市場的快速成長。面對來自國際大廠日趨激烈的競爭,百玄將繼續發揮經驗與彈性的優勢,因應可能出現的挑戰,並且有信心再創佳績。同時也致力在廣播會議硬體設備、監控軟體、資料庫相關整合技術上,確立國際化品牌的地位。

百玄多年來承裝大大小小2,800家以上的用戶,所累積深厚的規劃及裝機經驗,將是您案件未來順利完成的最佳保證。技術人員皆經過國內外嚴格之技術訓練, 技術能力足可適應日後擴充及新系統功能增加時所需之調整。對產品品質與售後之服務,向有嚴格之要求,對於產品的擴充及零件之供應,更有充份之準備,因此客 戶可更安心地長期使用。考慮到未來維修之方便性,本公司具有專業訓練且對系統專精的工程師,可隨時配合情況之需要,對系統加以修改,以便配合實際使用之需 求。

Baitech Inc. is a global leader in the development, distribution and marketing of system integration service. With over 2800 customers in more than 5 cities, Baitech delivers next-generation unified communication solutions to a broad enterprise audience. From companies as small as 10 people, to large enterprises, Baitech’s flexible, cost-effective solutions satisfy the needs of  communications (Voice/Fax/E-mail), Contact Center and Fax Server markets, as well as varied mobile workforces.

Demonstrated cost savings and return on investment

From a simple telephone of a laptop or NB, Baitech enables users to control and manage their information access and content. Baitech's unified communication technology lets users see or hear their e-mail, fax or voice-mail messages at any time, from anywhere - with or without access to a computer or NB. The flexibility of this system provides dynamic improvements in worker productivity, time savings and reduced equipment costs. Starting with a modest investment, an Baitech solution can generate immediate savings and a payback within weeks of implementation.

Baitech's mission - To provide communication solutions for businesses and people to communicate anywhere, anytime, on any device

Baitech unified communication solutions allow businesses to access, manipulate, organize and forward information effectively and efficiently. This technology empowers organizations by giving them the flexibility to conduct business at anytime, from anywhere so they can manage the information they need, when they need it.

Baitech's vision - To set the standard for the way businesses communicates

Baitech strives to provide innovative unified communication systems that can operate on a stand-alone basis, working with a company's existing PBX/phone system or integrating with a company's current network/e-mail infrastructure. Baitech's messaging solutions deliver advanced features - such as investment protection ad platform upgrade capabilities - without the planned obsolescence commonly found in many messaging platforms today.

Baitech’s products operate on off-the-shelf hardware, supporting Microsoft R WindowsR 2000 platforms while interfacing with a wide variety of telephony and related computer equipment. Baitech products integrate with more than 100 different IP and circuit-based telephone systems such as Cisco, Avaya, Nortel, 3com, NEC, Mitel, Toshiba, Iwatsu, Panasonic – and many more.

Baitech's history - Celebrating 10 years of unifying the communication industry

Established in 1995 and based in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. Baitech has experienced a continuous track record of growth. Today, resellers successfully install thousands of unified communication ports each month. Baitech's industry leadership can be attributed to consistently developing and delivering functional products, while meeting the specific and ever-broadening requirements of business. Specializing in serving the needs of growing businesses and understanding their present and future requirements, Baitech features a broad range of business communication solutions that give large and small organizations a competitive edge.

Communication Solutions


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Tel:+886 2 2765 8531 Fax:+886 2 66219986 Address: 8F., No.602, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Songshan District, Taipei City 105, Taiwan (R.O.C.)